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El Mundo Nuevo @ SNIA

El Mundo Nuevo @ SNIA

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Kerosene Festival - Rome, Italy

Csoa Exsnia, Roma, Italy

  • Friday, 30 November 2001 | Csoa Exsnia, Roma, Italy


Squid Soup Ltd.
Squidsoup's work combines sound, physical space and virtual worlds to produce immersive and emotive headspaces. They aim to allow participants to take active control of their experience. They explore the modes and effects of interactivity, looking to make digital experiences where meaningful and creative interaction can occur.

Their work has been shown at numerous festivals, seminars and galleries around the world including the V&A (Late at the V&A, London, October 2008), Graphite (Perth Australia, Dec 2007), Late at Tate...


Thursday, 29 November 2001