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ER..VA 46: Electrofreak

ER..VA 46: Electrofreak

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Saturday, 03 November 2018

Espai Telenoika, Barcelona, Spagna

  • Saturday, 03 November 2018 | Espai Telenoika, Barcelona, Spagna

Workshops & learning

Erva stands for “Experimentació i Reflexió al Voltant de l’Audiovisual”.
The sessions ER...VA aim at dynamizing and showing the emergent scene dedicated to the audio visual experimentation.
They take form in a set of sessions taking place throughout the years 2012 and 2013 in different places and presenting different themes with the main focus always on the audio visual experimentation.
Erva focuses also on the connection with other events taking place around the territory. The majority of events take place in Telenoika’s headquarter but sometimes they are set elsewhere.

Approximate Time:
18:30-19:00 Opening
Erva stands for “Experimentació i Reflexió al Voltant de l’Audiovisual”.
The sessions ER...VA aim at dynamizing and showing the emergent scene dedicated to the audio visual experimentation.
They take form in a set of sessions taking place throughout the years 2012 and 2013 in different places and presenting different themes with the main focus always on the audio visual experimentation.
Erva focuses also on the connection with other events taking place around the territory. The majority of events take place in Telenoika’s headquarter but sometimes they are set elsewhere.

Approximate Time:
18:30-19:00 Opening
19:00-19:30 Debate
19:30-20:20 Nonoise / Neokinok
20:30-21:45 GJ K i Bxxxxx / hbprgms
Visuals guest: VJ Manchega

NONOISE79 aka Andrés Asia, is a project through which he develops an acoustic universe permeated with drones, noise, ambient, improvisation, field recordings, electronic and personal oneiric landscapes. In his tour around Barcelona, Paris and Berlin he will present a part of his new record that shows his most gritty, rough and visceral side pumping row electricity.

Gj K i Bxxxxx
They define themselves as a "duet d'improvisadors elooptrònics”, conjugating electric cords, livelooping, and rhythms in a spontaneous creative exercise.