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LPM 2008 MEX - Live Performers Meeting

LPM 2008 MEX - Live Performers Meeting

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Escuela Gestalt + MUTYE, Xalapa, Mexico

Gestalt University of Design, A.C., Xalapa Enríquez, Mexico

  • Thursday, 04 September 2008 | VJ SETS 02, Gestalt University of Design, A.C., Xalapa Enríquez, Mexico
  • September 05 // 06 2008 | Gestalt University of Design, A.C., Xalapa Enríquez, Mexico

Creating content for VJing

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Creating content for VJing
Creating the content in live video performance

Workshop and talks dedicated to process of creating the content in live video performance and VJing.

Step by step: creation of the content, handling and working with video camera, review of video editing softwares, composition of animation, preparation and form of video loops focusing on conceptualizing the idea of the audiovisual project.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

1 projector


  • Workshop
ioann maria
ioann maria

United Kingdom Brighton


LPM 2008 MEX - Live Performers Meeting
LPM 2008 MEX - Live Performers Meeting
Thursday, 04 September 2008