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LPM 2012 Rome


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The debut EP/DVD and performance, "Drapetomania!" is an interweaving audiovisual suite of four video-songs representative of the modern institutions used to control the illusion of existence - technology and paranoia in Intro(version) , pharmaceutical drugs and fast food in "Drugs R Like That," pornography and media created sex symbols in "Per(version)," and nationalist expansionism in "Pale Castle."

Individually, the video-songs are compelling short-form video essays disguised as music videos; though, as a whole, they illustrate the frustration and dissonance of finding a peaceful existence The ReVerse Bullets aesthetic is that through subversion and noise, questions and demands, evolution leaps forward. Twisted samples of capitalist, western & religious propaganda collide with the band's electronic cum noise funk and dialectic imagery to create a sensory experience that is part multimedia essay, improvisational electronica, performance art and rock concert.

The musical element of ReVerse Bullets emerges within the same circumstances as the visual aesthetics - a delicate, yet sometimes violent collision to create new form. In the same way that ReVerse Bullets' material is a collision of familiar material re-contexualized the RB live experience is no different – members float amongst the instruments, trading and abandoning, improvising upon the established melodic boundaries and challenging one another to create new means to the same ends – chaos to order and dissonance to understanding. as a human being in a world becoming increasingly incompatible with the established institutions and authorities.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

1 - 2 Screens for Projection
1 - 2 Projectors (minimum 2000 lumens)
Power Strips
Bottles of Water
4 jars of Peanut Butter

  • AV Performance
ReVerse Bullets
ReVerse Bullets

United States Queens, New York, Germany Berlin


LPM 2012 Rome
LPM 2012 Rome
Thursday, 31 May 2012