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Symposium: “Seeing sounds. Performing audiovisuals in real-time, AI and future cinema”

  • Lecture
  • Experimental Electronics
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Symposium: “Seeing sounds. Performing audiovisuals in real-time, AI and future cinema”
A meeting in which authors, curators and artists of international caliber are invited to discuss the synaesthetic relationship between sound and image in real-time audiovisual performance.

If we think about the meaning of the symposium, the idea is that of a talk while attending the performances.

“See the Sounds, Listen to the Images” is the claim that underlines the synaesthetic approach of the audio-video performances present in each edition in which Sound and image are the same, without ever overriding the other.

Digital assistants to which we are now accustomed every day suggests a reflection on the future of AI and on the omnipresence of algorithms in our lives.

"Cinema is an invention without a future" as the father of the Lumiere brothers argued?

Will the AI write the new narratives?

curated by Claudio Guerrieri, with:
Nicola Gerundino, Arianna Forte, Simone Arcagni, Oriana Persico, Salvatore Iaconesi, Emanuele Tarducci, Michele Lotti

What is needed


What the artists brings


  • Lecture
  • Experimental Electronics
