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LPM 2011 Rome | La musica elettronica a Roma

LPM 2011 Rome | La musica elettronica a Roma

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November 2, 2011 Zivago, Rome - Italy

Zivago – Sintonie d’impresa, Rome, Italy

  • Wednesday, 02 November 2011 | Zivago – Sintonie d’impresa, Rome, Italy

One night

Within the project "Creaticity", Eventlab, Zivago and Associazione Informale organized a day dedicated to the the Roman electronic music sceene.

During the meeting have been discussed the model of electronic music events and the possible developments, besides successful case histories.
In this occasion was presented LPM, as a benchmark organization of an event that arises from the platform of experts to the international community of VJs.

Antonio Fatini and Marco Ricci from Soundwall managed the debate, which has seen the participation of many important names of electronic music from the national scene, including:

Marco Iasa Iannuzzi (Brancaleone)...
Within the project "Creaticity", Eventlab, Zivago and Associazione Informale organized a day dedicated to the the Roman electronic music sceene.

During the meeting have been discussed the model of electronic music events and the possible developments, besides successful case histories.
In this occasion was presented LPM, as a benchmark organization of an event that arises from the platform of experts to the international community of VJs.

Antonio Fatini and Marco Ricci from Soundwall managed the debate, which has seen the participation of many important names of electronic music from the national scene, including:

Marco Iasa Iannuzzi (Brancaleone) - the story of Brancaleone and the world of clubbing. The construction of a recognized identity.
Marcello Giannageli (Snob Production) - This is Rome and MIT: from the exhibition to the festival. The event and the new urban context;
Alessandro Franconetti (Hartvest) - The event as tool for local marketing: Hartvest festival case history
Gianluca Del Gobbo (LPM) - Live Performers Meeting, from the platform of experts to the international community of VJs.


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