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LPM 2017 | Notte Bianca della Sapienza

LPM 2017 | Notte Bianca della Sapienza

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June 16, 2017

Universita La Sapienza Piazzale Aldo Moro, Rome, Italy

  • Friday, 16 June 2017 | Universita La Sapienza Piazzale Aldo Moro, Rome, Italy


On June 16th takes place the tenth edition of Notte Bianca della Sapienza, produced and organized by the Collectives and the Assembly of Sapienza University Students, to offer a long night full of experimentation and independent cultural production.

An event that opens the doors of the university town for a day of independent cultural experimentation and re-appropriation of spaces, participation and sociality in support of the legal expenses of the student movement. A night that intersects global resistance and self-production, lived and animated by the vibrations and waves of controversy of movements that oppose neoliberalism and the multiple faces of...
On June 16th takes place the tenth edition of Notte Bianca della Sapienza, produced and organized by the Collectives and the Assembly of Sapienza University Students, to offer a long night full of experimentation and independent cultural production.

An event that opens the doors of the university town for a day of independent cultural experimentation and re-appropriation of spaces, participation and sociality in support of the legal expenses of the student movement. A night that intersects global resistance and self-production, lived and animated by the vibrations and waves of controversy of movements that oppose neoliberalism and the multiple faces of violence that we would like to set daily on our lives.

The white night of the students this year is “sui generis”, crossed by the global feminist tides that over the last few months filled the squares of Europe and the World, from Argentina to Poland, from the United States to Italy, and then joined Ideally and materially with the great transnational strike on 8 March.

Debates, music, theater, exhibitions, projections and many artists, which, starting from 16.00 pm, will perform in the yards of Sapienza University, to support – for free – the legal costs of complaints and criminal proceedings which have been severely affected students in the past years.

LPM is actively participating in the event with the visual content of the stages, set up in the yards of Chemistry , with the live set of Vj Alis, Alex (Studio Aira!), Liz (Flxer Team) and a videoinstallation by Fusolab Mapping School.

Visual Line up Chemistry Stage: Alis – Alex (Studio Aira!) - Liz ( FLxER Team)

Video Installation by Fusolab Mapping School

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