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Open call: S+T+ARTS PRIZE 2022

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STARTS is a European Commission initiative to foster alliances between technology and artistic practice.
The STARTS Prize is organized by Ars Electronica and its consortium partners BOZAR, Waag, INOVA+, T6 Ecosystems, French Tech Grande Provence and Frankfurter Buchmesse.

It aims to reward collaborations and achievements in the field of creativity and innovation at the intersection of science and technology with the arts. In particular, it focuses on artistic works that influence or change the way we look at technology, and on innovative forms of collaboration between the ICT sector and the world of art and culture.

Two prizes, each of €20,000, are offered to honour innovative projects at the intersection of science, technology and the arts.
- Grand Prize - Innovative Collaboration
honours innovative collaboration between industry or technology and artistic (and creative) fields that open up new avenues for innovation
- Grand Prize - Artistic Exploration
honours artistic research and works whose adoption by the arts has great potential to influence or change the use, application or perception of technology.

The spotlight is currently on cross-sectoral projects, as well as works exploring hybrid formats, innovative technologies or storytelling initiatives in next-generation media.

What can be submitted?
Innovative collaborations and projects driven by both technology and the arts. Purely artistic or technological projects are not the focus of this competition.

Who can participate?
Artists/creative professionals or researchers/companies from all over the world; STARTS is not restricted to citizens of EU member states.

When can you submit?
The submission platform can be accessed between 11 January and 2 March 2022

For more information: