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Postponed Call for Artists: Body and New Tech

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Postponed Deadline: 10th May

Cinematica is the international festival that deals specifcally with the image-movement relationship in the visual and performing arts. It is inspired by the concept of imàge-mouvement of the french philosopher Gilles Deleuze in order to investigate how this concept is present in different art forms to stimulate the "setting in motion" of the image and then of the imagination and perception of the viewer.

The call is open to shows, performances, including digital ones and audiovisual installations that investigate the relationship between body and new technologies with respect to TOUCH and the sense of TOUCH, both in a metaphorical and real sense. In this time where we experience physical distancing with extreme diffculty, we are simultaneously thrown into the digital communicative babel, so how can we use corporeality in the relationship with digital media to try to "touch" people and provoke a sensitive and perceptive response? We think of organic and multimedia forms of involvement that are not stunning but question the sense of touch and touch, trying to trace exploratory boundaries. The artistic proposal can also be presented in an exploratory, study form, if particularly innovative technologies are used, in this case the artist must be available for a lecture or Q&A in conjunction with the presentation of the work.

Artists of all ages and nationalities (including artists associated) in the different sections indicated below with a resume assets of at least three years of professional experience (post training).

Cinematica Festival is looking for works that respond to the theme of the VIII edition, in two sections:
performance, audiovisual;
1. PERFORMANCE: dance, theater or music shows with an innovative and poetic relationship between body and new technologies (sensors, AI, mapping, smartphones, etc.), body and image, site specifc or with strong interaction with the public (one to one). The shows can also be designed for digital use, in which case indicate this clearly.
2. AUDIOVISUAL: audio and/or visual installation, digital art and V/R experience, videoart and experimental cinema

Send by midnight of 10 May 2021 to the mail
- a job sheet
-a video trailer
-1 photo of the performance / installation
-cv of the author and / or performers with 1 photo each
-tech rider
Make sure you have all the required materials before submitting your registration. All works sent after the fxed date will not be taken into consideration. By June 15, 2021 only the selected artists will be given a specifc communication.

The artistic direction of the festival will select, at its sole discretion, the performances and installations that can become part of the 2021 festival program. The selected works will be presented, upon payment of a fee agreed with the festival organization, in Ancona Mid August 2021.