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Bogota Experimental Film Festival RMX

  • VJ Set
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics
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Bogota Experimental Film Festival RMX
In response to LPM's call in the Vj Sets category, I propose a 30-minute visual set that proposes a game of intersection between vj and contemporary experimental cinema and audiovisuals.

In the last 4 years I have been in the direction and curatorship of the Bogotá Experimental Film Festival. Festival that convenes the most recent experimental cinema and audiovisuals in the world and whose base city is Bogotá Colombia. By curating the festival's contents, I have made a selection of visual material that includes video segments of works with high visual and narrative impact. From this visual library, I, as a curator and artist, will produce and interpret a VjSet that mixes this material in real time creating an experimental visual and narrative game of the “exquisite corpse” type or collage with the selected material.

Various techniques, images, languages, discourses, aesthetics and media that we artists of the world use in experimental, technological and libertarian artistic practices - which are outside the standardized modes of production - converge in this work of visual and cinematographic performance.

All artists and filmmakers who participate with their material in this experiment, as well as the Colombian Festival, will be informed and given credit.

André Bretón said "The exciting thing for us in these types of productions was the certainty that, for better or for worse, they represented something that was not possible due to the work of a single mind"


BOGOTA EXPERIMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL, es una plataforma colombiana de exhibición, circulación y creación de obras de arte audiovisual cuyas motivaciones están dirigidas a la experimentación narrativa, técnica y conceptual.

Es un evento internacional enfocado en la creación y fortalecimiento del universo del cine y el audiovisual experimental colombiano.

Su objetivo es brindarle al país y a la ciudad nuevas experiencias de alto nivel estético, académico y creativo, priorizando la circulación de las manifestaciones artísticas colombianas y latinoamericanas.

Somos el más grande espacio de interacción con las artes audiovisuales experimentales en Colombia. Convocamos a miles de artistas, críticos, académicos, productores, espectadores y otros actores del sector cine y audiovisual.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

Salida de video HDMI.
Resolución Minima 1280x720 Ideal 1920x1080 (Puede adaptarse a otros formatos)

What the artists brings

Modul 8
Mad Mapper
Touch Designer

  • VJ Set
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics



Colombia Bogotá, Spain Barcelona


LPM 2021 Apulia
LPM 2021 Apulia
August 29 // 28 2021